Popeye's Chicken Sammich; what does it bring out in people?

You've probably heard the craze over the Popeye's chicken sandwich, particularly the violent or comical instances birthed from the hype over the sandwich. If you have, you might be questioning society's priorities, or simply wondering, "Are these the true colors of normal people?"

Some examples of what I mean are as follow:

Image result for popeyes chicken sandwich

To go to such lengths for a sandwich just makes me wonder if their normal and everyday personalities are just farces, or if some deep witchcraft is running through their veins when they hear or read the words "Popeye's Chicken Sandwich". I just can't fathom why they would kill someone or even just scrape their car for a chicken sandwich. I refuse to believe these are normal people; they must have had something going on in the moment that drove them crazy on top of all the craziness already going in the chicken sandwich atmosphere.


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