What kind of burrito are you?

When one imagines doubles, you typically think of a mannequin or robot or genetic clone seeking world domination. Maybe an animal as seen through things similar to astrological signs. However, food is not what comes to mind when wondering, "Hm, I wonder what in the world could be a figurative double to myself?" Yet, despite this, I am a guacamole burrito.

Results from https://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/answer-these-seven-random-questions-and-ill-rate

There is a plethora of these types of quizzes floating around the internet, not just on Buzzfeed. This honestly confuses me, despite how entertaining I find them. From my experience, people often find doubles to be creepy or unwanted, yet people are taking or making quizzes that labels you as a food item. This makes me wonder, does the real uncanniness of doubles come from close resemblance of oneself? I'm inclined to say yes, because never have I felt disturbed by the results of the "what kind of X are you?" quizzes. Perhaps it's just related to the reliability or sophistication of the quiz's setup or results as they don't necessarily have much connection to you on a spiritual level when one of the questions asks which character on Friends is your favorite.


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