Uncanny Doubles in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, characters occasionally have physical manifestations of their souls called stands. In a particular episode, one stand was a plain mannequin doll depicted as such:

Upon the user's command, it could take the appearance of anyone it wanted. With that new form, it could also control the actions of the individual.
I felt this was uncanny and tied heavily into Us, except in a reverse of roles. Now the clone could control the original copy. While it is one thing to be unable to exist as a unique identity and do what you wish as a Tether in Us, I feel it's more horrifying to have something clone you THEN take control of your actions. It's overall an interesting take on cloning as most of the time your actions still remain yours as an original copy of a clone, but in this case a copy now controls the original.
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